Double Your Productivity In 60 Minutes A Week With A Certified Brain-Based Coach.
/ Backed by Neuroscience · For Entrepreneurs by Entrepreneur
- Consistent business growth.
- Winner habits and work routines.
- Neuroscience brain & time management
- Turn big ideas into results, fast.
- And… Get rid of any inner blocks that make you self-sabotage.

/ Accredited by the next coaching institutes:

Do you feel like...
- Hustling from one burnout season to another.
- Overthinking tiny details in your work.
- Perfectionism prevents you from make things done.
- Distracted by new ideas and can’t focus on the main business tasks.
- And... Lacking clarity about the big picture of what you are actually building.
The truth is…
We all have these kinds of feelings and behaviors. The question is, what are you doing about them.
Most entrepreneurs that I work with already know that they can be more productive and achieve their results faster.
But it’s hard doing it by yourself while you rely only on your willpower and nonstop hustling.
Most entrepreneurs are good at optimizing their businesses but lack the ability to optimize themselves.
I’m talking about behaviors, mindset, habits, and deep inner blocks that sabotage their goals.
The price of not being productive is:
- Living a mediocre life.
- Wasting your best years on the wrong goals.
- Missing great opportunities because you don’t see them.
- Burning yourself out to the level that you are exhausted from keeping going.
- And… Not having enough joy and meaning because you close to burnout.
So you decided that you want to become better.
To stop giving excuses for your business (and life) performance.
You want to have a change because you understand the price of not being productive.

What are your options outside there?
Mentor will focus on your business and guide you through his business experience.
But mentors aren’t qualified to work on your personal challenges like procrastination, overthinking, and fears, which may be the main reason why you don’t have the results that you want.
A mentor doesn’t mean to be your coach who works on you as a person.
Certified Coach
Certified coaches are great at focusing on you as a person, but they can’t understand the context of your business. Because most of them never had any kind of business.
They can help you to become more productive and better in general.
But they lack this another 20% of business experience that can help so much to a business owner.
Self-Help Solutions
Courses, guides, and workshops are great when you don’t have any inner blocks.
Without having high self-awareness and good productivity habits it can be just a distraction.
You can find yourself buying courses and guides non-stop and staying exactly in the same place. You will become smarter for sure… But with the same results in business (or life).
It’s hard to see by yourself where EXACTLY you self-sabotage your business results.
Is it you, or your business model just broken?
This is why I decided to provide a hybrid approach.
80% Coaching · 20% Mentoring
I believe you already have everything INSIDE of you.
But from time to time, you still can benefit from good mentoring calls.
I know that you have:
- Energy to explode your business.
- Ideas to build something extraordinary.
- Intelligence to become better.
This is why 80% I’m focusing on you as a person — your habits, beliefs, and the way you think and work.
And 20% I provide mentorship based on my 12 years of business experience that made me a 7-figure exit.
- My online marketing strategies
- Paid advertising tips (I spent more then 10M on Facebook ads)
- And... Reality check on what you are building.
I have the business experience backed by results and also all the certifications and education to call myself a coach.
My coaching methods are:
- Brain-based coaching based on science that increase your performance and way of thinking.
- Executive Ontological coaching that focuses on the way of being and self-awareness.
- Lefkoe Method that helps identify and eliminate ineffective beliefs.
My coaching session mechanism creates a situation where you can’t fail.
If this is not enough, I provide the accountability of a man who also has 3 years of army experience. So don’t expect just to come and talk. Our calls going to be effective.
Hey, I’m Alex, 35 years old.
Brain-based coach for Entrepreneurs, business owners, and creators.

Hey, I’m Alex,
Brain-based coach for Entrepreneurs, business owners, and creators.
During the 12 years of development of my business, I struggled a lot with staying productive long-term.
I was jumping from one project to another, buying non-stop courses and workshops, choosing the wrong business partners, and having a broken business model.
Procrastination, messy time management, and burnout were always part of the game, and I knew that I wasn’t working with my full potential. But I didn’t have enough self-awareness to notice and recognize it.
Only after making a 7-figure exit and changing my career to business coaching, I realized how much energy and time I wasted during my hustling period.
At the end of the day, we all have the same amount of time and energy. But only a small number of people know how to use it wisely and in the best way.
I would love to make you the most effective and successful entrepreneur in your circle.
What my clients share about my methods:
Working with Alex has been transformative, teaching me to be fully present by eliminating distractions and obstacles. One key lesson was learning to say no. As my business grew, I realized saying yes to everything was unsustainable. Alex helped me see that saying no is crucial for focus and performance.
This skill had a profound impact on my time management and efficiency. Alex’s insightful, supportive approach felt like guidance from a mentor and friend. The result was deep peace, clarity, and the ability to be in the moment I truly choose.

I started working with Alex because I was constantly under stress, analysing and overthinking everything. In the end, I was not happy with my life. Alex guided me to reconnect with myself, to ground myself, and to truly touch base with my inner self. After working with him, making decisions and setting priorities became significantly easier.
If you're like me and can't seem to stop overthinking, I highly recommend working with Alex. He has a unique ability to help you find your center and live a better, more balanced life.

Frequently Asked Questions
Typical questions & doubts about coaching:
Coaching is a personal development method that helps you to understand yourself and improve your results.
The coaching goal is to realize the inner obstacles that hold you from being the best version of yourself. The focus in coaching is on a “being” and less on the outside circumstances of your situation.
The goal is to expand your thinking and create the right environment for new insights that will push you to make progress.
It’s about asking the right questions, questioning your beliefs, and supporting you to achieve what you want.
It’s not about pushing you to do things you don’t want.
It’s not about providing you with all the answers.
It’s not about teaching you how to live your life.
It’s about guiding you to find your own answers and solutions.
Coaching is different from consulting or mentorship, where an expert provides specific recommendations or solutions.
It’s also not a therapy that delves into emotional and psychological issues with a focus on healing past traumas.
It is also not cheerleading or giving motivational speeches; coaching is a more structured and ongoing relationship aimed at producing results.
So, most of the coaches that you see online. Most of them are not coaches at all. Because of a lack of regulation in the industry, they can call themselves a coach. When in reality, most of them are mentors. They teach a specific skill or practice from their own experience.
The problem with this approach is that their subjective solution can’t fit everyone as we are all different from the start.
Consultants tell you what to do based on their expertise in your industry. They give you specific steps to follow.
Coaches help you find your own answers. They work on internal issues like why you’re procrastinating so you can actually get things done.
Consultants are good for step-by-step advice. Coaches are good if you know what to do but can’t make yourself do it.
Coaching and therapy are different. Coaching focuses on future goals, while therapy deals with the past and mental health. Both can be helpful, but they’re not the same.
Some people feel they get quick results from coaching, but coaching isn’t a replacement for therapy. The effectiveness of either depends on your relationship with the coach or therapist and how ready you are for change.